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Turn coordinator vs T & B

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Greg S

Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
OK. So it looks like I'm in the need of a new/different/overhauled turn coordinator. (Either that or I am spending a lot of time in a rt. hand turn) Anyway, just what is the main difference between these two instruments? They both look like they give the same info. My TC does not have any indication on the face that it is electric, but it seems all the new ones are. I haven't made the obvious move to just check it out behind the panel. My thinking the most cost effective move would be an overhaul ($350 +/-). Would an NEW electric unit be preferred? The added cost for the unit plus installation of an elec. to replace the vacuum one would surely be a little painful. I had just noticed Tru-Trak had an electric T&B that looks pretty nice for a much nicer price than elec. TC's., that's primarily why I was wondering about the difference. Thanks in advance for comments.

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