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The Biggest Loser: 99 Pounds in One Day

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Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2010
Reaction score
The mechanic who did the pre-buy inspection for the 1968 Cherokee "D" that I just purchased was (correctly) a little skeptical of the validity of the latest weight and balance that had been done in 2009 after all the old avionics were removed and a bunch of Garmin stuff was put in. The plane has had a lot of non-OEM stuff hung on it (speed mods, Pulselite, wet vacuum pump, air-oil separator, new-ish interior with leather seats, etc.), most of which was deemed to have a negligible effect by the installing mechanic. So, as of the day before the plane was weighed, I supposedly had a useful load of 974 pounds. Not great, but acceptable. Perhaps with a little care I could still carry four adults from time-to-time.

Well, the tale of the scale after re-weigh was 875 pounds useful load. OUCH! :eek: Now, it appears, I'm limited to two adults and a couple of Munchkins.

The moral of this story, is never, ever have your plane re-weighed.

Unless you like to deal with real numbers instead of fantasy.

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