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Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2010
Reaction score
Just recently I flew commercial from Mexico back to the US. I could not print out my boarding pass on-line "because of security considerations". I was instructed to go to the airport counter to get the boarding pass. OK, I got the boarding pass. Then I was pulled out of line after my stuff was Xrayed. I was carefully checked for "explosive residue" etc. I mentioned that I had been a pilot for over 50 years - why the concern. They said, "yes we know that". Am I on a hit list because I am a pilot? I can't believe this crap. If I told you about the projects I have worked on and the clearances I have held, I would have to kill you. BTY they carefully rechecked a 4 year old ahead of me for explosives also. What the hell is going on? I give up.

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