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Strange Phone call, mildly POed, mildy amused

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Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
So, im sitting here plugging away and get a phone call from a strange phone number. I traded my LandCruiser in on a newer truck. I probably lost 500-1000 bucks or so on the deal as opposed to me selling the landcruiser and negotiating a no trade in price on the truck. The LC was a gas guzzling POS and I knew and they knew it, I figured they were going to push it off onto one of the "No Credit Check" lots and put it into the repo/sell/repo/sell cycle. The 2 reasons I traded instead of selling it, are because 1 I'm not a car salesman and have no desire to be and dealing with tire kickers over 500 bucks wasn't on the agenda and Due to an uninsured impaired driver in a stolen SUV, we needed a new dependable means of transportation...fast. Enter today, The dealership has decided to give my phone number out to field questions about the maintenance history of the vehicle etc... So, Im getting phone calls on it. I'm not one to be rude to strangers so i tried to accommodate the two calls I got but I think they are being VERY inappropriate dishing out my phone number on deal that was sealed a month ago. Im going to call them and tell them to stop, the second i signed that title over to them is when my worries with that vehicle ended. Is the SOP for car dealers? This was the first time I have ever traded in a car.

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