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Spark Plug Cleaning?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2011
Reaction score
I recently got back into plane ownership. We have done over 10 hours in the last few months, could of done more but I usually wait to match up the weather with the Son's time off from school. Then throw in sports & me working that takes a bite also. Anyway my annual is due next Nov, & I doubt if I'll really break 45+ hours before then. So far the mag check is fine, but do you guys ever rotate or clean the plugs before the annual?

With the average A/C flying 40 -50 hours a year (0-320 Warrior) would any spark plug maintenance be normal? I don't remember doing any on my 66 Cherokee in the early 90's. If you do clean I see some low cost options in the catalog, are they any good? I guess I could also hook up with my local shop & pay a little to use their cleaner made for the job. My 1st inclination is to just fly along as long as the spark is working as it should.

My last point is, it's quiet in this section. There must be a few working on their plane at times?

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