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Russian SU-130

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Senior Member
Apr 21, 2010
Reaction score
Russia now has #1 fighter plane in the world...
SU-30- Vectored Thrust with canards...

As you watch this airplane, look at the canards moving along side of, and just below the canopy rail. The "canards" are
the small wings forward of the main wings? The smoke and contrails provide a sense of the actual flight path, sometimes in reverse
direction. This video is of an in-flight demonstration flown by the Russian's-30MK fighter aircraft.

You will not believe what you are about to see. The fighter can stall from high forward motion in seconds. (full stall). Then demonstrates an ability to descend tail first without causing a compressor; stall. It can also recover from a flat spin in less than a minute.

These manoeuvre capabilities don't exist in any other aircraft in the world today.. Take a look at the video with the sound up.. This aircraft is of concern to U.S and NATO planners. We don't know which nations will soon be flying the SU-30MK, hopefully China isn't one of them..

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Note:
Friends worked with advanced aircraft flight control systems and concepts for many years as an extension of stability control and means of control. Canards and vectored thrust were among many concepts examined to extend our fighter aircraft performance; Neither our
current or next generation aircraft now poised for funding & production can in any way match the performance of this Russian aircraft NOW FLYING in any near combat situation. Somehow the bankrupt Russian aircraft industry has out produced our complex politically tainted aerospace industry with this technology marvel. Scratch any ideas of close in air-to-air combat with this aircraft in the future.

"Life isn't about how you survive the storm, but how you dance in the rain"


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