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Rubber floor mat for cargo area ?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
There was some water elakage around my carho door, and torrential downpours, so now my cargo carpet is kind'a ruined (the leak has been fixed at least).

Occurs to me that I'd rather not have carpet at all in there, but instead a rubber floor mat, car style, directly on the metal, cut to fit, with ridges and such (like what I have in my car for Canadian winters).

I've looked at SCS and Airtext, they mostly speak of carpets. There some mats, but they're loose, meat to be on top of carpet, and not cut to be placed in permanently where the carpet goes.

I could I suppose get a flat piece of rubber of some kind, and cut it to fit (it needs the lip to get screwed in properly), but I'd like to have the riges to collect crap and such ...

I also found some sites that claim to do "custom floor mats" for cars. I suppose I could maybe get them to do one for the plane ...

Anyone ever done this, or know of such a product already existing ?

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