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Really Rough Engine

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Active Member
Jul 24, 2010
Reaction score
This morning I had to cancel a flight from Houston to Dallas due to a rough running engine. I am trying to figure out what is wrong, so I cam to you guys.

The engine fired up easily this morning but was running rough at anything below 1500 RPMs. I looked at my EDM-830 and had no CHT or EGT's bars for Cylinders 1 and 2. Cylinders 3 & 4 looked normal as far as I could tell. If I pulled the throttle back to around 1000 RPMs the engine was loping. When I decided to shut down I pulled the mixture all the way back and nothing.... the engine kept on running until I pulled the throttle all the way back.

I flew from Houston to New Orleans and back for Thanksgiving with absolutly on indications of a problem.

I opened the cowling and everything seems to be in order. Any Ideas???

1973 Cherokee 180
0-360 with about 250 hrs since OH

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