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radio static when on ground

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Apr 13, 2010
Reaction score
I recently purchased an awesome 77 archer. I have really enjoyed flying my archer.

I have an annoying intermittent issue with my Garmin 430 COM 1 radio. When on the ground the COM1 radio will some times crackle and with heavy static, so much so it is unusable. I have had planes directly in front of my while on the ground and it is horrible. I can hear aircraft at patter altitude fine. I can switch to my COM2 radio and I do not experience the same issue. The second radio appears to work correctly and this signal drop out as I call it seems to be confined to COM1 as best I can tell.

Once I am off the ground, it works 98% of the time. I can occasionally get the garbled signal when I am talking with ATC and a specific locations, once I fly for a bit, the same ATC controller sounds fine.

My fear is that I may have a incorrect antenna wavelength or something technically incorrect. Or a intermittent grounding problem. Does this sound like something I can or should investigate on my own with my mechanic prior to calling the expensive avionics guy? Since it is intermittent, I don't want to get stuck with hours and hours for billed time and no solution. :) Any advice or common symptoms for archer with COM issues ?

Thank and I love the new site!!!!!

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