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Pleasant surprise - Flight Guide

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Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
I used the Flight Guide tucked in the rental plane for my PPL. Naturally I bought one. When It came time to update my subscription I got some sort of cryptic mailing about a new format and typesetting or something with several prices none of which I could tell you what I'd be buying. I like the little guide so i called them up, no answer and they never returned my message, I was confused. Fast Forward about 2 weeks, I had forgotten about it then I get another mailer apologizing for the previous confusing mailer but it it didn't really clear anything up. I call again, no answer, leave a message, no return call. I give up, I know how to use an AFD and the Quadra has everything i need on it anyway. That was 6 months ago or so, I had just accepted that i was going to wear out my current flight guides useful life then accept that my romance with them was over. Fast Forward to this morning, I realize I stayed at work half the night typing up an AFM Supplement and forgot to check the mail. Lo and Behold there is a brand new shiny current edition, new format, Flight Guide sitting in my mail box. We broke up, we're back together now and it was in my price range at the moment $0.00-$0.00.

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