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Apr 27, 2010
Reaction score
I got this thing for it's EFB capabilities, but after flying with it for a few weeks now,
I've grown to like it's GPS utility as well. Without a doubt it is the easiest piece of
avionics to operate that I have run across.

The Ups: Low cost, $550, Big Bang for buck, All VFR Sectionals, IFR Low Level, Approach Plates, Terminal
charts and Airport info is included. Subscription for all that, is $80/yr. Ease of operation. Super support.
Large 7", bright display. No external ant needed(so far).

The Downs: No on/off switch, no internal battery.

I have it installed on the yoke of my Arrow, plugged into the cig lighter. The only workaround
I have had to do with this setup, is to unplug the pwr each time before engine start. If i leave it plugged in,
It loses pwr when I turn the key to start, and the can't execute the Nav program. Still looking at that.

It get a perfect GPS signal from there, without an external ant.

The display comes up as the VFR Sectional where you are located, you can switch to IFR Low Level with 2 pokes ont the touch screen. You appear as a small plane, and it follows your track on the chart. IFR approach plates are included,
but they are not geo-referenced as of now.

Chart updating is super easy on any internet connected computer using a flash drive to transfer the data.

Touch screen is easy to use, even when it's rough flying. Not too sensitive, just right.

ADS-B compatability is coming this summer, for traffic and weather.

All and all, a great little unit.


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