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Patch on a Stabilator

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Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
I read over at a topic on the POS forum where JimC said he doubted it was legal to patch a stabilator. (Would have replied there if i could have). I cant find any info on if it is or isn't except a vague reference on a Comanche site where they say that Piper says its illegal on a Comanche. I have a very small (1.5"square over one of my "outtie dents") patch on my stabilator and it has been there for some time. The word "flutter" makes me flutter... especially after seeing what happened to that Beaver in Alaksa over McKinley when he got aileron flutter. So, how would I know if its legal? Am I safe in assuming that no flutter will happen since it hasn't happened in many years over many hours (I know nothing about flutter). Also, if i need to replace it, will a stabilator off a 140 work?
found and inquired about this one... http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Stabilat ... 1c159d442d

or, could I find just the skin for that side of the stabilator and be better off? if so where would i get the skin from?

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