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panel work - finally done

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Feb 15, 2012
Reaction score
Piper Dakota - before ...


After, yes 6-1/2 weeks after ...


Still missing is the IFD540, when it ships it will replace the 430W and the spacer below it.

The ASPEN PRO, PMA8000BT audio, SL-30 nav/com, 796, ASL volt-amp, WX-500 lightning and new Davtron clock; added to the 430W (for now), GTX330 transponder, STEC 40 & STEC 60 PSS autopilots, JPI 830 and XRX PCAS, all now in a new aluminum powder-coated panel, positions and spacing all custom designed, and a new (Dick Russ') glareshield.

Power up!



Synthetic vision on, kind of boring terrain around here. Also have WX500 lightning and traffic fed in.


ASPEN's SV provides a flight path vector (FPV), they call it a flight path marker. That is an incredibly powerful bit of information to have, it is like a 3D course marker. It will show where you intercept the ground, or not. The FPV together with the pitch indicator will give you your ACTUAL angle of attack. That is just one cool feature, ASPEN's SV really has a lot of cool features.

We did the ground checks the night previous. The panel looks amazing at night. One flick of the switch for the EL indirect lighting (on backup battery) and you're ready to startup the plane, with everything in plain sight. Will post some pics of night time views as well.

The plane finally went for a flight test today. Flight test passed 100%, but bizarrely the alternator failed 5 mins from landing. That was checked out, confirmed, and another Plane Power unit went in. The folks stayed long after closing to do that, so I did manage to get it in the air myself tonight.

Some minor snags to swat tomorrow, then the plane is truly back home.

* Orest

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