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PA-32-260 prop control issue

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Sep 8, 2010
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I pulled out our Cherokee (1965 PA32-260) this morning to fly and while doing the runup the prop control was really stiff (pulling it back and pushing it back in). The prop control has always been a little on the stiff side since we bought the plane 2 months ago. The Vernier works fine (smooth) but it almost takes both hands to do the prop exercise during the runup. Inflight the prop/governor/prop control work just great - holds rpm perfectly, etc. Well today when i advanced the throttle to full for takeoff the rpm stayed at about 1900 or so and that was it. The prop control was set as far forward as it would go. Obviously i aborted the T.O. and did another full throttle runup with the same result - rpm no higher than 1850-1900. Taxied back to the hangar and pulled out the Cessna!big_smile

So...my question is: Does this sound like a prop control issue or a prop governor issue? There is no oil leaking from around the governor and it has worked without a hitch for the 2+ months that we have owned the plane.

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