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OK, what about taking off in PA-28 150B

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Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
I give it about half throttle, quick scan of the gauges, full throttle.... Accelerate up to 65MPH.... It wants to fly at 65 so i pop it up into ground effect and do a kind of soft field take off, accelerating in ground effect up to about 85MPH then climb out. I'm usually off the ground in around 1600' doing this (altitude 3600) and it accelerates from 65 to 85 in ground effect fairly fast (maybe another 200-400ft or so) a passenger probably wouldn't even notice that I was trying to hold it close to the ground until the ASI hits 85 it happens so fast. Is this the normal procedure most use? I have found that if I try to keep it on the ground over 65 the ground handling isn't as predictable plus this is how I was taught to fly it by the guy I got it from.

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