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Nosewheel Shimmy- An ongoing saga

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user 6015

Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2016
Reaction score
My plane is a 1974 Warrior, and for a while now I've been hunting for the cause of an annoying nose wheel shimmy. I've done quite a bit of research, and I think I've tried most of the easy things and now I'm stumped.

Moderate speeds during taxi, nosewheel shimmy can be felt in the pedals
Same on rollout after landing

Slight pressure on one rudder pedal or the other seems to negate the shimmy temporarily

What I've done so far:
-Replaced scissor link bushings and bolts
-Checked preload on wheel bearings
-inspected tire for scuff marks or signs of deformation

So far, no change. So the question is what comes next? Replace the shimmy damper or are there other things I can inspect/verify first?

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