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New Member - Northern Michigan

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Jul 21, 2014
Reaction score
Hello all, I'm new to the forum. I live in Gaylord, near the "top of the mit" in Northern Michigan. I was a student pilot 25 years ago, got signed off to solo including cross country. Loved it, but was never able to finish. Life happened... Busy at work, got married, had four kids... All great stuff, just put my aspirations for my PPL on the shelf for a good long while. I always wanted to complete my goal / dream and told myself that if I have the chance agin, I would do it right. Well, it looks like my chance has come... I started back with a CFI late this spring. Shortly after starting back up and remembering how much I loved it, I purchased an Archer II (had done most of my earlier training in a Beach Sport 150 and enjoyed / preferred the low wing configuration over the Cessna's). Loving every minute of it! Ground school done, solo endorsement again, aiming for check ride this Fall with plans to get started with my IFR training - mainly to build proficiency and flying skills. Really happy with my Archer!What a great place to fly... I can get to Lake Michigan destination towns / airports in less than 30 minutes (Travers City, Charlevoix, Petoskey, Harbor Springs, etc.), Mackinaw Island or Beaver Island in about 30 minutes (need some time to climb to be at a safe altitude over the water). Anyway, that's my basic ImageUploadedByPiper Forum1407846994.689264.jpg story. Sure am glad to have the insights of all you veterans! Learning a ton on safety, technique and mechanics of the Cherokees from the group! Thanks to all and looking forward to being part of the group! All the best, Jim

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