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"New" 1968 Cherokee

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Feb 25, 2013
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About a month ago I purchased a 1968 Cherokee in Delaware. I was excited to find one less than 6 miles from home (my last airplane I bought in California and flew it home). I have spent the last few weeks ordering a canopy cover and cowl plugs, trying to correct a stuck mike situation with the radio, and in general trying to do all the hundreds of small things that go with having a new airplane in my life. I even made a trip to a local airplane graveyard today to replace the hand mike that was missing from the airplane. I am loving every minute of getting the airplane up to snuff.
I have flown it a handful of times and have been nicely surprised at how quick this old Cherokee is. As a point of reference, I have owned three Cherokees over the years. My other two, including my 180C, were not as fast as this one seems to be. I am at a loss to explain the difference. The new one was originally a 140 that a previous owner bumped up to a 160 horsepower. It has the original wingtips (my new Metco-Hoerner tips arrived in the mail yesterday but have not yet been put on the airplane) And original paint. Whatever has made this airplane faster, thank you!
*And no, I did not have excessive tailwinds on any of the flights.
So, I am slowly learning the quirks, sounds and feel of my new airplane. I am happy!

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