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Staff member
Apr 12, 2010
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"spreading wild speculation without even the simplest or easiest of fact-checking. The perils of the Internet, alive and well..."

This speculation...................... Checked


1% tax on all bank transactions hr 4646

Watch for this AFTER November elections; remember this BEFORE you VOTE in
case you think Obama's looking out for your best interest.

1% tax on all bank transactions HR 4646

This government just cannot think of enough ways
to hurt the American people!This Bill must die FORWARD THIS TO EVERYONE YOU

President Obama's finance team is recommending a one percent (1%)
transaction fee (TAX). Obama's plan is to sneak it in after the November
elections to keep it under the radar.

This is a 1% tax on all transactions at any financial institution - banks,
credit unions, savings and loans, etc. Any deposit you make, or even a
transfer within your account, will have a 1% tax charged. ~If your paycheck
or your social security or whatever is direct deposit, it will get a 1% tax
charged for the transaction.~If your paycheck is $1000, then you will pay
Obama $10 just for the privilege of depositing your paycheck in your bank.
Even if you hand carry your paycheck or any check into your bank for a
deposit, 1% tax will be charged. ~You receive a $5,000 stock dividend from
your broker, Obama takes $50 just to allow you to deposit that check in the
bank~If you take $1,000 cash to deposit at your bank, 1% tax will be charged
Mind you, this is from the man who promised that if you make under $250,000
per year, you will not see one penny of new tax. Keep your eyes and ears
open, you will be amazed at what you learn about this guy's under-the-table
moves to increase the number of ways you are taxed.

~Oh, and by the way, you receive a refund from the IRS next year and you
have it direct deposited or you walk in to deposit that check, you guessed
it. You will pay a 1% charge of that money just for putting it in your bank.
Remember, any money, cash, check or whatever, no matter where it came from,
you will pay a 1% fee if you put it in the bank Some will say, oh well, it's
just 1%. Are you kidding me? It's a 1% tax increase across the board.
Remember, once the tax is there, they can also raise it at will. And if
anyone protests, they will just say, "oh,that's not really a tax,
it's a user fee"! Think this is no big deal? Go back and look at the
transactions you made from last year's banking statements. Then add the
total of all those transactions and deduct 1%. Still think it's no big

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