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Mooney Apostate
Apr 13, 2010
Reaction score
Okay guys. I have an electrical problem somewhere that is preventing me from starting the aircraft. It hasnt run in months and im afraid if I let it sit any longer its going to deteriorate even more.

Battery fully charged, and jumper cables connected to a 950cca battery off a pickup truck, the gyros spin up as usual. When engaging the starter, the prop turns 1/4 turn, stops, gyos spin down. Release the starter, gyros spin back up, prop swings back to start point. Doing this 4-5 times I can get the prop through one cycle.

Now I need some of you braniacs for help to chase down whats causing the loss to the starter. The cables to the batter are frayed, but since I'm using the jumper thats problem is voided for now. Going under the cowl, the electrical lines on the pilots side appear okay. From that little bus on the firewall to the starter they appear okay. The starter is caked in grease and whatnot, but pulling the rubber boot off the connector, the bolt appears corrosion-free. Thoughts? Thanks in advance!

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