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Name This Antenna?

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Jul 29, 2022
Reaction score
Marfa, TX
Hi there,

I have about 150 hours over the past 2 years in my Piper Dakota and I have my checkride coming up in about 2 months.

Can anyone offer suggestions as to what this antenna is (the one that looks like a transponder with a bent wire coming out of it)?

Other identified antennas (not pictured) are Com1 & Com 2 (on the top), ELT (on top towards the tail..above where the ELT is housed), GPS (roof above the front seats), Transponder / DME (seen in the background) and a marker beacon towards the rear under the plane.

From looking at AircraftSpruce it looks like the RAMI AV-17 COM antenna, which they say is a "communications antenna" but for what?

Also attached is a photo of my instrument panel. I have a Garmin 430w, a JPI 830 engine monitor, Garmin GTX 345 Transponder, Century 2000 autopilot and the other customary stuff.

Any thoughts would be much appreciated!

Thank you!


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