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Ed Dartford

Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2010
Reaction score
Western Massachusetts
So here I am in California. Coast to coast in a few hours. About $700 or so for two round trips, and taxes and fees were more than $150 of that. I never cease to be amazed.

I travel with my wife who is handicapped (MS) and uses an electric scooter and a walker, which complicates everything. Kudos to Southwest airlines who, as always, couldn't have done a better job. And four big bags flew free!!.

But the TSA people at Albany, NY, also get praise. The line folk doing the work, also complicated by the scooter, were most helpful and polite, and cheefully acknowledged the idiotic rules they have to follow. The problem with TSA is the idiots who manage the system, not the workers. At one point, as I walked, shoeless, through the scanning machine I had to go back and send several sheets of paper I had in my hand (hotel and car confirmation notices) through the bag Xray machine. This was only the most idiotic event...there were others.

We are here for my son's wedding in Lake Tahoe. He is the Fed Ex Caravan driver.

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