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Missg Washer Destroys 737

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Staff member
Apr 12, 2010
Reaction score
When I put my arrow through it's first Annual almost seven years ago there were a few surprises that slowly became apparent. The first and second irregularity arousing suspicion was missing safety wire on the right brake caliper assembly bolts with no lock nuts, the next was a wheel bearing washer that was reversed to the opposite side during wheel installation. This could have been omitted by an owner doing his own maintenance or a sloppy mechanic. The airplane was advertised with a new annual and was signed off with four hours on the tach prior to him delivering it. Eventually I ran another Annual discovering over twenty five serious discrepancies including sloppy gear bushings and bolts, the recent mentioned Teflon tape on fuel system components, worn trim drum bushings, an altimeter that never had an AD accomplished (for over 15 years) along with twenty five other items adding up to $5000.00 (7000.00 including a new prop and hub). I videoed everything and sent it along with the signed log page to the FSDO. The called me within a week to arrange for a maintenance inspector to view the aircraft. The half day spent was accumulating non serviceable parts from the junk pile, inspecting items not yet repaired and copying the log books from front to back.

How could that be? an unqualified owner doing allowed owner maintenance? Owner assisted annuals where there was no assist other than with the signature in the logbook? How did the AD slip by? A mechanic with no current database to research AD's or an owner that didn't want to pay three hours for that first thorough AD analysis?

The FAA proceeded with certificate action against the mechanic with the helpful pen. Hence the "it sucks to buy a used airplane" herd from me lately when owners speak of their parts substitutions and mechanical creativity doing things different and faster than by way of the MM. Remember, it's the last guy with the ink in your logbook that will get the first registered letter.

Things to consider, pick a knowledgeable and experienced mechanic to work on your aircraft. If you are working on a gear issue for three months with no end in sight there is a major problem somewhere not even considering shoveling money down a bottomless hole. If the FAR states you can change a tire make sure of your abilities to properly do the task. If you do owner assisted annuals on an airplane in your hangar and no one has accomplished a gear swing in years (including prior years) the annual inspection has not been accomplished each of those years.

Below is an explanation of how a simple washer was omitted by mechanic or possibly a technician that was "observed" by an authorized mechanic (which occurs in many countries) and how it's omission destroyed the aircraft. Many U.S airlines have skeletonized their maintenance facilities in the US and even removed their hangars and now outsource maintenance over the border to cheap labor to advertise $99.00 flights.


Nuff said.
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