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Metco Tips or Metco Tanks

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Jeff K

Senior Member
Apr 28, 2010
Reaction score
My Aztec came through the annual relatively cheaply (actually less then my last annual on the PA32). So I'm thinking of putting some Metco tips on.

I've found both used tips and used tip/tanks. I'm hearing good things about the horner wingtips, which both offer, so that's a given. The Tanks will cost me between 2000-3000 for a set. Is that + the labor worth it?

My family doesn't have the endurance, but I from time to time make long cross countries, and the best speed mod I've heard of is avoiding fuel stops. Plus I have this eventual fantasy about flying to England via Greenland/Iceland.

But at the end of the day, what is guiding me is value added. I'd never spring for the $10K for a new set + labor, but I'm thinking if I can keep the total under $4K, I could recover my money if I sold it.

BTW, the Aztec appears to be a popular drug runner. Finding a number in the bone yards that have both the tip and nomad nacele tanks. 200+ gallons.

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