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Looking for Feedback on Schauer Portable Power Supply

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Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2010
Reaction score
Does anyone have experience with the Schauer Portable Power Supply available from Aircraft Spruce: http://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/elpages/portPowerCharger12pip.php

I would like to plug this in when I am preflighting the plane, checking Nav lights, landing lights, strobes, pitot heat, etc., as well as when I am programming the 430W. There is one very negative review on Sportys (where this unit costs $110 more!), indicating that the unit is underpowered and won't drive the GPS and a cooling fan (which I also have) without overheating the wires. Nevertheless, any other input would be appreciated.

I suppose another alternative would be to use an automotive battery connected to the APU via jumper cables and a Piper plug and just keep the auto battery charged in between(?)

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