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Looking at a 1968 Arrow

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Dec 28, 2011
Reaction score
Hi new to the Piper Forum but not new to Pipers. Lots of time in PA28s but am now considering the possible purchase of a 1968 Arrow ( 180hp). The plane seems well cared for, nothing particularly sexy when it comes to avionics. Before going further in the search I'd like to know if there is anything inparticular that I should be looking at when it comes to the older model Arrows. If things move forward I'll of course get a good prebuy. I'd like to know if there is anything model specific that I should be asking the owner first or looking for on the test flight. For example in Cardnials corrosion on the carry through can be an issue and bladders on Mooneys etc.

Also if anyone can share their experiences ( flight characteristics, cost to maintain, etc) with 180hp Arrow's I'd be most appreciative I've only flown the 200hp. Also wondering if there are any recomendations as to where to get a good prebuy for such a plane in the Southeastern PA, NJ , DE area.

Thanks an look forward to particpating in the forum.

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