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Leaking Fuel Valve Diverter PA-28R-201T

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Jul 31, 2011
Reaction score
Hallo to the forum,

we're facing and AOG situation because of a leaking Fuel Valve Diverter P/N 633862.The aircraft is a Piper Turbo Arrow III (TSIO360 FB-3B engine) and the Fuel Valve Diverter which is a part of aircraft's optional priming system is found to be leaking by our mechanic.We contact VALCOR which is the engineering company producing these valves but they don't have the capability to fix our faulty valve neither overhauled it nor replace it with an overhauled one.They sell only new ones (some $2.500 and a 3 week delivery time!!!!!) and the same counts for anyone else I got in touch with, concerning our situation.
Is there anyone who knows if there is available a servicable/overhauled/good used unit out there or at least if there is a shop somewhere with the capability to repair my faulty leaking valve?
Any help will be greatly appreciated.We're pretty desperate because of this.We're already spent over $5.000 during the last month in order to repair several problems of our entire fuel injection system and now this seems to be a knock out! :(
I count on your help...


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