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Lance LOP Performance

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New Member
Aug 19, 2010
Reaction score
Looking for some help as I compare the A-36 to the Lance. There is ample material online about the performance of the bonanza with both the IO-520 and IO-550 running LOP. From what I can gather, the Bo will give roughly 155-160 TAS on 12 GPH. Any experience on Lance performance with the IO-540 lean of peak? I know running best power, most are getting somewhere around 155 TAS on 17 GPH or so. Does the Lycoming benefit from LOP like the Continental? We are a family of 5 and need the 6 seats, the Lance is so much more comfortable and can carry the cargo plus the people. I recognize the Lance won't be as fast as the Bonanza, but to have a 50% higher fuel flow as well makes it a show stopper.

I would appreciate any feedback that anyone can give. Thanks for all the help.


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