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Lance - Gear Unsafe Light On After Retraction

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New Member
Aug 24, 2023
Reaction score
United States
1976 PA-32R-300.

Wondering if anyone has any ideas on this.

After taking off, select gear up. Unsafe comes on while gear are in transit. Gear lock up and pump shuts off. Unsafe Light blinks out and then comes right back on and will remain on for the duration of the flight. Select Gear Down and the unsafe light remains on (doesn't blink) until the gear lock out and we get 3 green, then it shuts off.

With the aircraft on jacks, we can't replicate it. Gear Up, unsafe goes out as soon as the pump shuts off, remains off the entire time. Had a dead power pack last year and replaced with a rebuilt one, doesn't appear to be any issues extending or retracting.

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