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Just Activated XM Weather On Garmin 696

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Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2011
Reaction score
I broke down yesterday & activated 'Aviator Lite' for the Garmin panel mounted 696. I have been holding off but plan a trip later today to MI & then back to OSH for Airventure. Trying it out in the house I can see how it's VERY helpful.

One thing the XM rep told me that was interesting is that you are able to put your account into 'dormancy' at times(Winter) & take it back active later(Spring) without being billed the $75 're-activation' fee. She said the main thing is to go into the dormancy & not to cancel your subscription. That was new to me, compared to what I had read from some users. I shall see I guess, if I try it. I had heard you had to pay the $75 fee whenever you start up weather again.

Anyway, the radar picture & weather forecasts / current observations will be a real treat. The price is $34.99 + tax. They try to offer up discounts on regular XM radio with the aviation weather. I had to joke with her that music may distract me while I should be paying attention. It was tempting, but for right now I'll stick to weather.

I see there is some rain soaking the campers at OSH right now, looks much better for later today & Monday. I have my window sign all ready to go, GAP & VFR.

Just updated to say we flew up through the State of WI to the U.P. of MI a few days ago & the XM weather sure worked like a champ. There were scattered showers with a few thunderstorms along the route & the XM really showed what one had to deal with. :D

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