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Hot starting - the correct way and the wrong way ?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2010
Reaction score
Last week we took a 30 minute flight to Payson AZ for lunch in a PA28-181. From shutdown to finishing lunch was about 45 mins.OAT was about 80 degrees which put the density altitude in the 7000ft ballpark. Attempted a normal "Hot" start-up but she would not fire at all. Some local pilot in another Archer suggested to prime it 2 or 3 times and then try again - which did not work.

Finally thru trial and error, we did get it started but afterward returning home, neither my brother or myself could remember what we did to get it to start - we were just glad to be back home and watching the world cup. We don't usually fly somewhere for less than 1 hour on the ground, so usually the engine is cold by the time we have to return.

So the questions.

1. Hot start - to prime or not prime. ( I vote no prime but I am open to suggestions )
2. Does anyone else have a better method as opposed to what is in the POH ?



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