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Hello From North Carolina ..KEXX!

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Aug 7, 2014
Reaction score
Hello Cloud cruisers,,,,,

Very glad to see a place where fellow Piper owners can share ideas, flights , information, Pics and so on .. I love it .. I am a Private Pilot started flying in 2001 and I am part owner with my Best friend,, I had gotten him into flying 1.5 years ago and he is a new Private Pilot ..We bought a 1967 Cherokee 180 c and we just love it .. We fly out for Lexington NC Kexx,, and just go where the wind blows lol ..

We do not know very much about aircraft ownership and we are learning... Looks like many ppl here would . lol .. It would be neat to find Piper owners on the East Coast to meet up with and fly around .. Anyone willing to do so just send me a Pm or reply in post .. Many places in Nc to fly around to. Great views here also ..

I seen a few pics of panel replacements and this is something I would like to do to our Cherokee ,, The paint is very nice ,, But the interior is outdated ,, Still in great shape ,, just outdated, The panel I would love to make it have a newer look ,,but that cost a lil bit o money!! If anyone knows of a place that will do custom panels on east cost would be great to see what the cost is ..

thanks for building a forum !





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