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Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2010
Reaction score
My activity here has been somewhat lessened over the past few weeks as I've been fighting for my life due to pulmonary embolisms. This hit me out of the blue as I've always had virtually perfect health and passed all medicals etc with ease.

Things can sure change suddenly. My doctors do say that I've probably got the most dangerous part behind me and should eventually fully recover with no heart or permanent lung damage but it has been a hell of an experience to date. Sure glad we do hvae a first class hospital here with some top rated docs. I think I especially owe my life to one of them for her correct diagnosis in time. Interesting that she is a fairly young doc who came to Canada as an immigrant from Ghana when she was a child. Who'd have figured.

Anyhow, do say a prayer of thanks for the good health you have. It can change very very suddenly.

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