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Hangar Opinions

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Junior Member
Apr 20, 2010
Reaction score
So, here is the deal. I just recently moved my Cherokee to a fully enclosed T-hangar (Location A). The cost is $180 a month and includes electricity. Not a bad deal, but now an open t-hangar has come available much closer to home for $125 a month (Location B). A couple of things here. My current hangar (location A) is an 88 mile round trip ride from the house and the open t-hangar (Location B) is 22 miles round trip. Fuel is NOT available at either location, but the closest fuel to my current hangar (A) is about a dollar more PER GALLON than the closest airport to the open hangar (B). My current airplane is also near a VERY BUSY section of military airspace where as (B) is in wide-open space.

With the enclosed hangar I also have a lot of stuff in storage that would have to be put somewhere (rent-a-space) if I moved. So, looking at the numbers, (4 trips to the airport a month) the costs (hangar(s)/storage/gas to get there) my current location runs about $240 a month. The open t-hangar is about $180 a month...a savings of about $720 a year. My airplane paint and interior isn't great (5/5) and I am more concerned about hail than anything else, so what would you do? Stay where you are or move? There are a lot of intangibles with BOTH locations, but just not sure what the best thing is. Oh yes, one other thing, the orientation of the open t-hangar makes it so that it is shaded from the sun almost the entire day...so that makes a little difference in the summer time.

Truth be told, I would love to stay in the enclosed hangar (especially now that I have a couch and a fridge!) but I loathe going out there because it's so far out of the way and the air traffic is a nightmare. Ughhh....this sucks!

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