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Greetings soon to be Piper Fam, from South Florida

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Aug 15, 2015
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Been searching through forums for weeks now because I in the market to purchase my first plane. I've narrowed it down to a handful of archers and boy am I excited.

I'm Probably spending more time than I should be with 10+ tabs open at all times soaking up as much information as possible. Got to the point where I have my own questions now, so enough free loading hahah and time to join the forums. Anyhow I hope to become a part of the community very soon!

I know this only an introduction forum but being that its my first maybe you guys can give me advice or redirect me to the appropriate section. Going to be getting into a 50/50 ownership with a pal who happens to be an A&P, he's only been in the field for 2 years with the majority of his experience being in cargo airliners.

Here is what I posted in the maintenance section:

" I'm looking for recommendations along with any tips for hiring an A&P/IA/shop for a pre-buy. This is my first plane purchase so I am open to any tips as far as anything goes.

Here are details.

- I'm in S.Florida, plane (Archer)is in Houston (Will find out the airport soon)
- Plane has fresh "annual" done 6/15
- Fresh IFR 5/15
- Owner states all AD's are have been dealt with.
- Little under 500 hrs SMOH done in 2008
- Oil samples are good
- Compressions are all over 70/80
- Prop has 100 hrs TSOH.

My concern like anyone is if some of this has been pencil Whipped. I have read and there is even a thread just below this one saying the Pre-buy missed some things that were obvious. If anyone has any referrals that you know do some good work in that area please let me know. I plan to be there when the Pre-buy is being done.


1. What would I be looking at in terms of cost?

2. How long does this service typically take?

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