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GPS Interference

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Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2011
Reaction score
I am new to this forum and hope I am not repeating a topic that may have been previously discussed. I am in the communications business as well as a pilot and I cannot believe what is happening. A company called LightSquared is attempting to install a new nationwide LTE (broadband data ) network that will interfere with ALL existing GPS radios.

Can you even imagine... losing GPS reception every time you drove within range of an LTE tower?" asks Engadget reporting on comments from General William Shelton which were, in turn, motivated by reports from the GPS-kit-manufacturer Garmin, which were quoted by New Scientist, claiming that LightSquared's plans "will result in widespread, severe GPS jamming".

Just Google LightSquared interference. Garmin has sent letters to the FCC objecting as well as others.

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