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Good morning from Western New York

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Junior Member
Jun 10, 2016
Reaction score
Good morning folks.

I have been on a 3 decade journey towards PPL, and now once again am getting my feet back on the rudder pedals.

I grew up under the flight path of the most common active runway in a small town in Western NY. I became "that kid" on a bike that would always be hanging around at the airport, watching GA traffic come and go, and watching the tow planes take the gliders to altitude.

One afternoon, one of the tow plane pilots told me to ditch the bike, and get in. He took me around the pattern, and I was lost. It might as well have been heroin, for what it did to me. I fell in love. Right then, right there, and forever.

I started flying when I was 15, spending every dime I could muster at my after school job on air time, and logged 15 hours or so, before running into hassles with my third class. As a young kid, I was defeated.

Life happened, and some 15 years later, I had saved enough money to get back in the air. I had resolved my medical question, and was ready to go, when I came home to find my house empty. Wife and kids gone. So, I ended up buying an attorney retainer instead of air time.....

Two years ago, I introduced my sons to general aviation by putting them in a 172 with an old friend, and taking them out for a couple hours. My eldest, all of 12 years old, got bitten by the bug.....badly. He lives, eats and breathes aviation now, and has rekindled my passion.

Now, I have a third class, and an instructor. A few weeks back I logged my first hour in 25 years, to the month. I am working out the financials to finish my PPL after two and a half decades! My sons dream of flying, as much as I do, and we are already dreaming of the fun we will have in the coming years.

Long term fantasy: a PA 32 300 with all the IFR toys.

Short term goals: finish my PPL and fly.....as much as the budget will allow. Maybe by a PA 28 and let my sons train in that, while I fly the heck out of it the rest of the time.

Thanks for reading all this, and for having such an informative board.

Rotate and climb.


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