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dakota? value of current ride?

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Active Member
Sep 2, 2010
Reaction score
I found what looks to be a very clean dakota. I haven't jumped on a plane yet to go look at it, but I think it's what I'm looking for. Anything on the early 80's dakotas that I should be looking for? Recurring AD's, problematic areas?

Also, when it comes to trading or selling my current piper... how accurate is VREF? I'm getting around 50k vref (haven't put everything in, but wont affect it much) for my 77 -151 with 160hp stc. 430 tied to panel mounted 396 which are tied to autopilot. dual glideslopes, music input, xm/weather, plus other doo dads I can't remember sitting here. Paint is 2 years old in a great looking 3 color scheme. Wheel pants. no leaks, squaks of any kind. All maint done... (and lots of it in last 24 months). Straight flier (since re-rigged).

So what's it worth? If I trade in, is it logical to pay the difference in VREF?


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