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Compass/HSI/GPS Question.

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Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2015
Reaction score
Evening everybody. Please bear with me with all the questions. I need a bunch of help/advice. My compass is off…. I'd like to say 15º at times but it varies. At first, I thought my HSI was off because every time I slaved it, it would get a mind of it's own. Seemed to precess 20º in ea direction but eventually settled down. The HSI and the compass (vertical card) wouldn't jive but the HSI and G650 seemed to be pretty close on headings. Not exact, but close. The deviation card for the compass is worthless and unreadable. Before I go to the shop, which I will anyway, what do you all recommend I try to remedy the situation. Seems like, "no squawks," was wishful thinking. I'm not sure which instrument to trust because I've had some different info each time I've flown. The GPS was SOLID every time so that's the obvious one to go with but I am a finicky guy and new everything ti work together. Thx

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