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Colt Project - Comments?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2010
Reaction score
Since this section appears quite dormant I thought I would stick this in & see what happens.

Since suppliers & policies are ever changing I'm open to any & all suggestions.

A friend passed & his Colt sat indoors for about 6 years before it came into my possession.

Unfortunately; there was Mo-gas in the tanks.

Since then I've pulled the wings & have it at home.

When ready it will be based about 150 yds from my house -OUTSIDE.

Winters it will be in storage as there is no snow plowing.

I'm not going to try to turn a Colt into a Cirrus just have a safe & reliable & CONVENIENT ride.

There is no real accident damage other than time.

Some of the tasks to be addressed are:

1. Fuel System contamination- found serviceable tanks & planning on a Carb O/H.

Both strainers are out & system being flushed with carb cleaner.

2. New bungees & bolts are installed.

3. "Rumor" has it that when the Oil Pump AD was done that the "lube hole" in the case was not drilled.

4. Stack on the Muffler right side is distorted. Likely old accident damage.

5. No Transponder.

6. Narco 810 Comm & a A-200 are installed. Condition?

No other Nav.

7. No shoulder harnesses.

8. I would like to add a better "Lube Port" to the aft stab pivot .

The fabric being on rules out welding.

9. Old tires.

10. Brake hoses @ fuselage / m/l/g will be renewed with new hose & old fittings. I hope as

they are not a common fitting.

11. Replace brake discs -RAPCO ?

12. Fuel line to carb . AD applies by s/n.

13. My guess is the battery is shot.

14. Replace all drains.

15. MIL- 6000 was the previously accepted standard for low pressure (gravity) fuel hose.

The ACS catalog states " not recommended for fuel lines".

Recommends ????


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