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CHT temps with engine monitor question

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Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2014
Reaction score
1973 Cherokee 180 Challenger - on climb out I have a hard time keeping #3 CHT under 415. I have to pitch down to cruise climb and not Vy to achieve under 415 on #3. Been reading recommended practice is to keep under 420 and maybe even under 400. Mixture is full rich, WOT, and climb at Vy. Here are the temps, even after pitching to cruise climb 100 mph. It wasn't THAT hot today - 26 deg C. (78 F)

CHT 1 - 382
CHT 2 - 382
CHT 3 - 413
CHT 4 - 401

Just wondering what everyone with a Lycoming O-360 and an engine monitor sees for CHT temps during climb out on a regular day. And wondering if that much spread is normal (30F between coolest and hottest on climb). Thanks!

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