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Cherokee 180 cruise

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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2010
Reaction score
I have read about everything I can find on different forums about cruise speed in a 180, mine is a '72 model G. I really thought I would see cruise speeds of 110 to 125 kts, but 106 kts seems to pretty much be the norm along with an average of about 10 gph. Some claim higher speeds and less fuel burn in 140's and 160's. In all truthfulness are my numbers about what they should be?

The indicator on my trim wheel doesn't move very much as I only have to give it 2 maybe 3 strokes of up on landing and a couple of downs for takeoff. Is this about normal? Looking at the indicator it looks like it would take a while to get from all the way up to all the way down.

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