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Broken wheel Aztec F

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Jun 1, 2011
Reaction score
I would like to know how common it is to have the inner rim crack at the bead flange on the main gear?

Could over inflation cause this?
How hard a landing would it take to crack the wheel all the way around and have it split 5" until it rubbing on the brakes?

It looks like a bad design to have a sharp right angle on the inner side of the wheel.
This airplane just has a complete annual inspection in england 40 hours ago to change to a FAA N number would a wheel inspection be part of a inspection?

Are the new replacement wheels better then to original wheels?
I'm not the maintenance man I'm just doing some primary inspections and found the cracked wheel our maintenance man will be here next week to help . But I want to know why and how to fix this.

Thanks for any help.


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