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Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2011
Reaction score
Yes I did. I thought I would buck the trend in general aviation, & forgo that new SUV or whatever for a while. I owned a Cherokee 140/150hp back in the early 90's. I sold it while downsizing with a job change. Anyhow,this one is in better shape with a useful load listed at 994 lbs. The total hours are 2770(engine 700) & it's been hangered just about it's whole life. Now I have to do a bunch to get back in the groove. I'll be checking in with some issues before long.

Just for starters there was talk about changing the aluminum battery cables over to copper? Not to get ahead of myself, but the A&P mentioned a $300 cost to do that? Me being an all around 'DIY'er, that sounded a little steep. I may never change anyway,just wondering benefits & approx cost?

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