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Avionics/Radios questions

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Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2013
Reaction score
Hello all,

Part of posting this is to aid in figuring my radios out, simply because it tends to go the way of me finding what I'm looking for shortly after posting a call for help. Embarrassment aside - here goes

I have a "new to me" set of radios that I haven't found the proper info for:
Com 1/Nav 1: KX155
Com 2/Nav 2: KX170B

Recently, while transporting my aircraft from a Class D to Class E airport (for the simple reason of becoming familiar with it while not having to worry about lots of traffic [radio and flying]) one evening, I discovered the unmanned, closed destination airport failed to hear my approach. While not a HUGE deal, my first missed key to this was the airport lighting didn't respond to intensify its illumination on the sequenced number of mic clicks.

The following day, routine pattern work went well until I discovered that again, I missed hearing a departure call from an aircraft crossing my practice runway. Attempts to call the airport on Com1 went unanswered, so I dialed in the frequency on Com2 and was able to finally hear traffic although it was apparent that I was still unheard. I was able to land without incident.

On personal review of my issue, I talked with the FBO and another pilot that landed behind me, about my transmissions and wasn't pleased that I wasn't heard by either. I looked again at my radios and discovered that my Com1 didn't/can't dial in the proper frequency. I was intending to dial 123.075 and what I can dial is 123.00, 123.05, and 123.10. It seems to skip by .05 increments rather than by .01 increments.

My Com2 radio did dial in 123.07, however; with the Com2 radio selected and keyed - transmissions didn't go out.

So.. my quest to find literature on how to properly operate the KX radios so that I can tune in the minute, tail end-fine tune frequencies. My radios didn't work as typically expected or how I was trained in their use.

Thanks in advance and apologies for being wordy.


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