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Any tricks for raising the nose on a (parked) Cherokee?

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David Megginson
Mar 31, 2016
Reaction score
On the Warrior (and, I assume, other Cherokees), you have to remove the nosewheel to install or uninstall its fairing.

The Right Way to lift the nosewheel (as taught to me by the shop) is to fasten the tail tiedown ring to a weighted tail stand, then jack both wings until the nosewheel is off the ground. The Quick Way to do it (demonstrated by a junior mechanic when his boss wasn't around) is to chock the mains, then pile boxes of oil on the stabilator until it comes down and you can attach it to the tail stand. The Dumb Owner way to do it (as demonstrated once, barely successfully, by me) was to hang a few iron dumbbells by a chain attached to the tail tiedown ring until the nose popped up.

Does anyone have any better hacks for lifting that nosewheel without buying $1,000+ worth of jacks and stands? I know I can always taxi over to my current shop and borrow theirs — I've done that a few times — but I'd like a solution I can manage on my own.

Thanks, David

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