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10 Minutes for Tom

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Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2012
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August 23,2013 was a very sad day for Spencer Aircraft. Tom Thompson has been locating aircraft parts and pilot supplies for pilots and homebuilders for 36 years. He has been fighting Cancer for 10 years, but on the 23rd of September he could fight no more. My staff wanted to do something special for Tom and his family so they came up with 10 minutes for Tom. Depart KPLU and landing on a carrier in our Redbird flight simulator. It takes approximately 10 minutes and we are asking for a ten dollar donation with 100% of all proceeds going to Tom's family. So if your coming to our event today "Cubs and Classics" please consider helping a person that has dedicated his life helping all of us. If your unable to make our the event today, but you would still like to donate, go to www.spenceraircraft.com. If your unable to donate, consider A prayer for him and his family. He will very much be missed.
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