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Wiring diagrams for PET manual 753-771

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New Member
Oct 25, 2011
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First time airplane owner, a 1976 ArcherII purchased last Saturday. Woo hoo!

The plane only has the Electric Pitch Trim Control, no autopilot. It has a weird anomaly. When the panel cutoff switch is on, the electric trim servo responds to the yoke thumbswitch as expected. When the panel cutoff switch is off, my electric trim servo responds the same but turns twice as fast. Everything else, cables, clutch, etc., works fine.

Thankfully all the pieces work and the problem is only a miswiring issue. All I've been able to determine at this point is the servo is continually energized and the thumbswitch grounds to complete the circuit to actuate the servo, perhaps routed through a solenoid, perhaps not.

The Piper Service Manual states that details of the electric pitch trim system are contained in Piper manual 753-771 which I can't find. Does anyone have the wiring diagrams to share?

Thanks in advance!

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