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What to do in this situation?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
I was coming into land at an airport, the taxiway to 12 doesn't go all the way to the end of the runway, to get the full length of the runway you must taxi onto the runway then down and around a turnout to the hold short line.
I was making my position reports 10 miles, 5 miles, on the 45, left downwind, base, final for 30. After my call for final, I hear CESSNA 12345 TAXING to 12. I start in on the radio, be advised 00W is on short final for 30, he says how far out are you, I said 1/4 mile. Then he proceeds to taxi onto the runway and head up to the turn out for 12, i can see he is taxing away from me but he just cut my runway length by 1000' or so. the runway was 5800', what do you do? As a side note as I was leaving I started on the radio and heard nothing, as Im departing the area I make a position report and hear him come on that he's "Over so and so's barn" at my altitude. I came back that I wasn't familar with "so and so's barn" area and he said "Ahh don't worry about it, we're not even close to each other" 10 seconds later i see him about a mile away off my left wing, then he proceeds to land down hill (3% grade) into about a 10-12 knot tail wind. (or at least it was when i took off going the other way 3 minutes earlier)

EDIT. Here is a picture of my view, he was coming out of the area with the hangars and making a right as I was getting ready to chop power.

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