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Unexplainable loss of com

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PA-28 Pilot
Jul 3, 2011
Reaction score
on my planned trip yesterday I experienced something strange, that has never happened to me before. I was taxiing out for depature with two pax on board when the message "Push-to-talk button stuck" was shown on our GNS430. I checked but didn't find anything abnormal. After run-up I was cleared to line up and was asked for an immediate take-off as two airliners were already behind me on final. That was the last message I recieved, suddenly all coms failed (We have a GNS430 com and a Benedix/King). Nothing worked. The GNS showed me I was transmitting but I wasn't. I verified more than once but the micro wasn't stuck. Then set squawk 7600 and vacated the runway where I was already awaited by a marshaller who got me back to the stand safely.
However after the occurence my instructor and me checked both com systems and did not find anything. Everything was working fine and the quality was also good. He told me that maybe a cheap headset one of my pax on the front seat had may have caused the problem. It was travelling with me several times in the same aircraft and I never had this problem before. So I find it hard to believe...

What do think about this?
I have already ordered a new set of headsets but I find it really strange...

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